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学学怎么发音的 Gasterosteus aculeatus

Gasterosteus aculeatus

听Gasterosteus aculeatus发音
3 /5
(14 选民)
  • 很容易的
  • 容易的
  • 温和的
  • 困难
  • 非常困难的
发音 Gasterosteus aculeatus 3 个音频发音
听Gasterosteus aculeatus发音 1
0 评价
听Gasterosteus aculeatus发音 2
-1 评价
听Gasterosteus aculeatus发音 3
-4 评价

通过视频学习 Gasterosteus aculeatus 的发音

英语中Gasterosteus aculeatus的视频发音

语音拼写Gasterosteus aculeatus

Gas-teros-teus ac-ulea-tus
gasterosteus aculeatus
Gas-ter-o-steus aculeatus

含义为 Gasterosteus aculeatus

of rivers and coastal regions
It is the scientific name given to the species of fish that is also called the Three-spined stickleback. It is mostly found in the freshwaters and coastal regions.

Gasterosteus aculeatus 的同义词

Wiki内容为 Gasterosteus aculeatus

翻译 Gasterosteus aculeatus

添加 Gasterosteus aculeatus 详细信息

反义词 Gasterosteus aculeatus
例子Gasterosteus aculeatus中的一个句子

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