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学学怎么发音的 succinic acid

succinic acid

听succinic acid发音
2 /5
(34 选民)
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  • 容易的
  • 温和的
  • 困难
  • 非常困难的
发音 succinic acid 5 个音频发音
听succinic acid发音 1
4 收视率
听succinic acid发音 2
2 收视率
听succinic acid发音 3
0 评价
听succinic acid发音 4
0 评价
听succinic acid发音 5
0 评价

语音拼写succinic acid

succinic acid
sux-IN-ic AS-id
suc-cinic acid

含义为 succinic acid

a dicarboxylic acid (C4H6O4) active in metabolic processes
A chemical compound that is widely used as a food addictive.

succinic acid 的同义词

了解更多有关这个词 "succinic acid" 其来源、替代形式,并使用情况 从言词典。


True Baltic amber is distinguished by its yield of succinic acid, for many of the other fossil resins which are often termed amber contain either none of it, or only a very small proportion; hence the name succinite proposed by Professor.
听True Baltic amber is distinguished by its yield of succinic acid, for many of the other fossil resins which are often termed amber contain either none of it, or only a very small proportion; hence the name succinite proposed by Professor.发音
His earlier work included an investigation of succinic acid, and the preparation of phenyl cyanide (benzonitrile), the simplest nitrile of the aromatic series; but later his time was mainly occupied with questions of technology and public health rather than with pure chemistry.
听His earlier work included an investigation of succinic acid, and the preparation of phenyl cyanide (benzonitrile), the simplest nitrile of the aromatic series; but later his time was mainly occupied with questions of technology and public health rather than with pure chemistry.发音
Stantienite, a brittle, deep brownish-black resin, destitute of succinic acid.
听Stantienite, a brittle, deep brownish-black resin, destitute of succinic acid.发音
Myriant and Azelis Sign European Distribution Agreement for Bio-Succinic Acid
听Myriant and Azelis Sign European Distribution Agreement for Bio-Succinic Acid发音

翻译 succinic acid

添加 succinic acid 详细信息

反义词 succinic acid

