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学学怎么发音的 barbarian


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  • 困难
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发音 barbarian 2 个音频发音
听barbarian发音 1
24 收视率
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IPA 和拼音
ipa : bɑːˈbe(ə)rɪən bɑːˈbeərɪən



含义为 barbarian

The Word Barbarian is taken from Greek Barbaros and was used 3,200 years ago. It is used for uncivilised people and for their evil deeds. These barbarians can be any one from the nation, who did not speak Greek. The meaning of the word is very offensive and has been removed from its original Greek roots.

barbarian 的同义词

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Phialn tipped a vial of a healing brew into the barbarian's mouth and tilted him slightly.
In fact the pasha was an illiterate barbarian, of the same type as his countryman Ali of Iannina, courageous, cruel, astute, full of wiles, avaricious and boundlessly ambitious.
But though he felt the ascendant influence of Christian teaching, he was not really penetrated by its spirit; a professing Christian, and a friend to the episcopate, Clovis remained a barbarian, crafty and ruthless.
Heavily laden with baggage the troops of Varus were decoyed into the fastnesses of the Teutoburger Wald, and there attacked, the completeness of the barbarian victory being attested by the virtual annihilation of three legions, by the voluntary death of Varus, and by the terror which reigned in Rome
Shared in the devastation of Rome by the Goths under Vitiges in the 6th century and by the Lombards at a later period; and partly through the spoliation of these barbarian invaders, partly through the neglect of those who should have been their guardians, they sank into such a state of decay and pol

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aa - maa
aae - maaa
aaa - maea