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学学怎么发音的 birch


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发音 birch 7 个音频发音
听birch发音 1
110 收视率
听birch发音 2
110 收视率
听birch发音 3
105 收视率
听birch发音 4
0 评价
听birch发音 5
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IPA 和拼音
ipa : bɜːʧ
学习 发音birch



含义为 birch

birch grove
dwarf birch
birch forest
whip with a birch twig
hard close-grained wood of any of various birch trees; used especially in furniture and interior finishes and plywood
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birch 的同义词

了解更多有关这个词 "birch" 其来源、替代形式,并使用情况 从言词典。


8/101 Birch Street Manunda QLD 4870
Neesey Payne and Josh Birch explore Seaquest
Tony Birch: 'My brother had trusted me, and I had betrayed that trust'
Santa Visits babies recovering in NICU at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital
Birch Bark Tar (image)
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新闻趋势 birch

Birch Tree, Mo. alderman accused of setting fire to city building
BIRCH TREE, Mo. --A Birch Tree, Mo. alderman is charged with setting fire to a building owned by the city after a controversial board of alderman vote. Fred McAfee faces an arson charge for..查看文章
Design round 2 adds 3rd roundabout to Birch
Anoka County is considering adding a third roundabout to the proposed Birch Street corridor design. Assistant Anoka County Engineer Joe MacPherson, along with other county staff, attended th..查看文章
White Bear Press White Bear Press
Santa Visits babies recovering in NICU at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital
SAN DIEGO COUNTY, Calif. — San Diego’s tiniest babies got a special visit from Old Saint Nick for their very first time. These babies were born pre-mature at the NICU at Sharp Mary Birch Hos..查看文章
CBS News 8 CBS News 8
Tony Birch: 'My brother had trusted me, and I had betrayed that trust'
I have come to understand that my brother sat on a step one afternoon and waited for me to return to him because he was certain that eventually I would. Tony Birch’s fourth novel, The White..查看文章
Sydney Morning Herald Sydney Morning Herald
Neesey Payne and Josh Birch explore Seaquest
Josh Birch took a dive in the tank with professionals and even got to feed the animals. "Kind of gives the experience of being at the ocean without having to go to the ocean," said Maleah Ma..查看文章
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