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学学怎么发音的 briquette


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发音 briquette 1 个音频发音
听briquette发音 1
0 评价
IPA 和拼音
ipa : brɪˈket



含义为 briquette

Briquette is a French term that means a compressed block of coal dust and is used for heating, cooking fuel, and electricity generation.

briquette 的同义词

了解更多有关这个词 "briquette" 其来源、替代形式,并使用情况 从言词典。


In some cases the data for a trapezette or a briquette are not only certain ordinates within or on the boundary of the figure, but also others forming the continuation of the series outside the figure.
In the same way the volume of a briquette between the planes x = xo, y = yo, x= a, y = b may be denoted by [[Vx,y ]y=yo] u 'x' =xo.
The volume of a briquette can be found in this way if the area of the section by any principal plane can be expressed in terms of the distance of this plane from a fixed plane of the same set.
To extend these methods to a briquette, where the ordinate u is an algebraical function of x and y, the axes of x and of y being parallel to the sides of the base, we consider that the area of a section at distance x from the plane x = o is expressed in terms of the ordinates in which it intersects
Suppose, for instance, that u is of degree not exceeding 3 in x, and of degree not exceeding 3 in y, that it contains terms in x3y3, x 3 y 2, x2y3, &c.; and suppose that the edges parallel to which x and y are measured are of lengths 2h and 3k, the briquette being divided into six elements by the pl

翻译 briquette

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反义词 briquette

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