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学学怎么发音的 capital punishment

capital punishment

听capital punishment发音
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发音 capital punishment 1 个音频发音
听capital punishment发音 1
0 评价

语音拼写capital punishment

cap-i-tal pun-ish-ment
cap-ital pun-ish-ment

含义为 capital punishment

putting a condemned person to death

capital punishment 的同义词

了解更多有关这个词 "capital punishment" 其来源、替代形式,并使用情况 从言词典。


EU Condemns Capital Punishment in Nigeria
Ohio: Moratorium on Capital Punishment Is Extended
It's become an article of faith among supporters of capital punishment that abolitionists are doing everything they can to undermine executions, putting up hurdles and then complaining about delays
Punishment may take forms varying from capital punishment, flogging and mutilation of the body to imprisonment, fines, and even deferred sentences which come into operation only if an offence is repeated within a specified time.
UN's Third Commission passes resolution condemning capital punishment
听UN's Third Commission passes resolution condemning capital punishment发音

翻译 capital punishment

添加 capital punishment 详细信息

反义词 capital punishment

名称johannes kepler的正确发音是什么?

joh ha nuhs keh pluh
joh hea nuhes keh pluuh
john hea nuhes keeh pluuh