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学学怎么发音的 entreaty


2 /5
(3 选民)
  • 很容易的
  • 容易的
  • 温和的
  • 困难
  • 非常困难的
发音 entreaty 2 个音频发音
听entreaty发音 1
35 收视率
听entreaty发音 2
3 收视率
IPA 和拼音
ipa : ɪnˈtriːtɪ
学习 发音entreaty



含义为 entreaty

A word that is used to indicate a request.

entreaty 的同义词

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Wiki内容为 entreaty


It is severely and strictly forbidden to all members of the Society to interfere in any manner whatever in public affairs even though they be thereto invited; or to deviate from the institute through entreaty, persuasion or any other motive whatever.
Priere), a term used generally for any humble petition, but more technically, in religion, for that mode of addressing a divine or sacred power in which there predominates the mood and intention of reverent entreaty.
Her entreaty came as her husband, President Barack Obama, capped a three-day fundraising swing on the West […]
At the urgent entreaty of the comte d'Artois in 1791 he quitted Paris for Coblenz, accompanied Artois to Vienna, and was sent to the court of St Petersburg the same year to enlist the sympathies of Catherine II.
an entreaty to stop the fighting
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翻译 entreaty

新闻趋势 entreaty

Biden's Address: A Caveat-Laden Entreaty From Your Uncle Joe
听Biden's Address: A Caveat-Laden Entreaty From Your Uncle Joe发音
The address, delivered behind a lectern from the White House’s East Room, began with Biden’s biggest strength. He empathized with Americans about the toll the pandemic has taken on so many ...查看文章
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反义词 entreaty

怎么发音 Adrianne palicki?

ay-dree-uhn puh-li-kee
aydree-uhn puh-li-kee
ay-dree-uhn puh-likee