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学学怎么发音的 overture


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发音 overture 3 个音频发音
听overture发音 1
53 收视率
听overture发音 2
52 收视率
听overture发音 3
1 评价
IPA 和拼音
ipa : ˈəʊvətjʊə
学习 发音overture

通过视频学习 overture 的发音




含义为 overture

festival overture
peace overture
orchestral music played at the beginning of an opera or oratorio
something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows

overture 的同义词

了解更多有关这个词 "overture" 其来源、替代形式,并使用情况 从言词典。


drinks were the overture to dinner
Israeli PM Bennett makes water overture to Jordan before Washington visit
听Israeli PM Bennett makes water overture to Jordan before Washington visit发音
Overture’s Fall, Winter performance tickets now on sale
听Overture’s Fall, Winter performance tickets now on sale发音
Imran Khan’s overture to opposition
听Imran Khan’s overture to opposition发音
Merkel urges ‘direct contact’ with Putin, defending Franco-German overture
听Merkel urges ‘direct contact’ with Putin, defending Franco-German overture发音
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新闻趋势 overture

German-French overture to Putin splits EU
听German-French overture to Putin splits EU发音
Germany and France threw the EU’s carefully orchestrated Russia policy into disarray on Wednesday by raising the threat of new economic sanctions while also floating the possibility of a sum..查看文章
image-unavailable POLITICO
Rossmann: Why we love the '1812 Overture'
听Rossmann: Why we love the '1812 Overture'发音
Soon it will be the Fourth of July and we may get to hear Tchaikovsky’s "1812 Overture," a rousing piece of music featuring drums, brass, church bells and cannon fire. The bells and canons w..查看文章
image-unavailable Auburn Citizen
Merkel urges ‘direct contact’ with Putin, defending Franco-German overture
听Merkel urges ‘direct contact’ with Putin, defending Franco-German overture发音
“There is no other way to resolve conflicts.” The chancellor’s comments were an apparent defense of a Franco-German overture to Putin that was unveiled to EU partners on Wednesday. The divis..查看文章
Imran Khan’s overture to opposition
听Imran Khan’s overture to opposition发音
Among the issues that Prime Minister Imran Khan spoke about in his National Assembly speech was the need for electoral reforms. The PM called upon the opposition to engage with the governmen..查看文章
Pakistan Today Pakistan Today
Overture’s Fall, Winter performance tickets now on sale
听Overture’s Fall, Winter performance tickets now on sale发音
The Overture Center for the Arts has announced individual tickets for their 2021-2022 Fall and Winter season are now on sale. The Overture previously announced its season in early May, makin..查看文章
NBC15 on MSN.com NBC15 on MSN.com
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怎么发音 jennifer connelly?

jeh-nuhfr kaa-nuh-LEE
jehnuh-fr kaanuh-lee
jeh-nuh-fr kaa-nuh-lee