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学学怎么发音的 President Roosevelt

President Roosevelt

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发音 President Roosevelt 1 个音频发音
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语音拼写President Roosevelt

Pres-id-ent Roosevelt
Pres-i-dent Roo-sevelt
president roosevelt

含义为 President Roosevelt

The 32nd U.S. President, who took initiative measures in resolving economic recovery.

President Roosevelt 的同义词


Meanwhile it is legitimate to share the hope expressed by President Roosevelt in his message to Congress of December 1905 that some future Hague conference may succeed in making arbitration the customary method of settling international disputes in all save the few classes of cases indicated above,
With the approach of the presidential election of 1908, President Roosevelt reiterated his pledge not to accept another nomination, and threw his immense influence in favour of Mr Taft.

翻译 President Roosevelt

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反义词 President Roosevelt

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