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学学怎么发音的 sheep


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发音 sheep 16 个音频发音
听sheep发音 1
82 收视率
听sheep发音 2
12 收视率
听sheep发音 3
10 收视率
听sheep发音 4
8 收视率
听sheep发音 5
4 收视率
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IPA 和拼音
ipa : ʃiːp



含义为 sheep

It is an animal that is grown in hilly regions for its meat, milk and wool.
little sheep
sheep farm
sheep wool
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sheep 的同义词

了解更多有关这个词 "sheep" 其来源、替代形式,并使用情况 从言词典。


450 sheep leap to their deaths in Turkey
听450 sheep leap to their deaths in Turkey发音
CBS to invest in Electric Sheep Company
听CBS to invest in Electric Sheep Company发音
Sheep sells for £231,000 at auction
Dutch sheep contaminated by bluetongue
听Dutch sheep contaminated by bluetongue发音
Yellow Sheep River develops €123 Linux based computer
听Yellow Sheep River develops €123 Linux based computer发音
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翻译 sheep

新闻趋势 sheep

Officials: Bald eagles kill 54 sheep at farm in Idaho | Raleigh News & Observer
听Officials: Bald eagles kill 54 sheep at farm in Idaho | Raleigh News & Observer发音
A farmer in Idaho has said he lost about $7,500 in revenue from 54 lambs killed by nearby bald eagles. Rocky Matthews started finding dead lambs in April on his farm near Murtaugh Lake, and..查看文章
Raleigh News & Observer Raleigh News & Observer
Officials: Bald Eagles Kill 54 Sheep at Farm in Idaho
听Officials: Bald Eagles Kill 54 Sheep at Farm in Idaho发音
A farmer in Idaho has said he lost about $7,500 in revenue from 54 lambs killed by nearby bald eagles. MURTAUGH, Idaho (AP) — A farmer in Idaho has said he lost about $7,500 in revenue from..查看文章
U.S. News & World Report U.S. News & World Report
Shearing time for sheep in Germany’s mountains
听Shearing time for sheep in Germany’s mountains发音
The job is not as easy as they make it look: the shearers must wield their tools while keeping under control a wriggling animal weighing up to 220 pounds and not necessarily eager to lose it..查看文章
New York Post New York Post
‘Scott Pilgrim vs the World’ Expanded Soundtrack Starts Streaming in July, Listen to Brie Larson’s “Black Sheep” Cover Now
听‘Scott Pilgrim vs the World’ Expanded Soundtrack Starts Streaming in July, Listen to Brie Larson’s “Black Sheep” Cover Now发音
The Scott Pilgrim vs the World soundtrack was already one of the best of its kind – a brilliant collection of songs from a brilliant movie. But this year, it’s getting a lot better with the..查看文章
image-unavailable IMDb
Police, neighbors help wrangle loose donkeys, sheep in Goshen Township
听Police, neighbors help wrangle loose donkeys, sheep in Goshen Township发音
Neighbors helped the Goshen Police District wrangle eight sheep and three donkeys on South Salem-Warren Road Thursday morning.
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反义词 sheep

怎么发音 Adrien brody?

ayd-ree-uhn brohd-ee
ay-dree-uhn broh-dee
ay-dr-ee-uhn bro-hdee