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学学怎么发音的 American aloe

American aloe

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语音拼写American aloe

Amer-i-can aloe
american aloe
Amer-ican aloe

含义为 American aloe

tropical American plants with basal rosettes of fibrous sword-shaped leaves and flowers in tall spikes; some cultivated for ornament or for fiber

American aloe 的同义词


The western dry areas have the old-world leguminous Astragalus and Prosopis (Mesquit), but are especially characterized by the northward extension of the new-world tropical Cactaceae, Mgmmillaria, Cereus and Opuntia, by succulent Amar llideae such as A gave (of which the so-called American aloe is a
听The western dry areas have the old-world leguminous Astragalus and Prosopis (Mesquit), but are especially characterized by the northward extension of the new-world tropical Cactaceae, Mgmmillaria, Cereus and Opuntia, by succulent Amar llideae such as A gave (of which the so-called American aloe is a发音
The plant called American aloe, Agave americana, belongs to a different order, viz.
The most familiar species is Agave americana (see fig.), a native of tropical America, the so-called century plant or American aloe (the maguey of Mexico).
Agave americana, Century plant or American aloe.

翻译 American aloe

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反义词 American aloe

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